It has been so much fun watching all 3 boys interact with each other lately. They are all at such a great stage right now.
Evan is loving preschool. I'm so happy that we enrolled him and love seeing him so excited about going to school. Hopefully that will remain the same in the future. Evan likes to play with his brothers, but doesn't always want to share his toys with them.

Kaden just started walking about a week ago. He was just about 14 months when he started to walk. It took him awhile to start walking, but he's pretty much a pro at it now. Kaden is the quieter one of the bunch, he likes to sit back and watch what is going on around him. I have a feeling he may be a musician when he gets older. He loves to play on the little keyboard that we have.

Nolan is the goofball of the bunch. He has been walking since he was about a year old. He now walks backwards and runs everywhere. Nolan is following in his big brothers footsteps. He really seems to like trucks and REALLY likes Evan's Bob the builder toolbelt. We may end up having to get Nolan his own toolbelt. Oh yeah and Nolan really really likes to talk on the phone!

Well hopefully this caught us up for a little bit. We'll try to be better about posting through the holidays. We'll see!
They are all getting so big. I love hearing how different the twins are from each other. It makes me excited to see our boys interests and personalities come to life. I cannot believe the difference in teeth you mentioned. Wow!